Liquid Mineral Services' Products

Liquid Minerals

Accurate feeding of micro elements and vitamins can help to ensure optimum herd health. The system is particularly helpful to farmers on a grass-based system with limited methods of supplementing minerals. Feeding minerals in a liquid form makes them more readily available to the cow, therefore, the Liquid Mineral products can be supplemented at lower concentrations of micro elements in comparison to dry minerals. LMS can manufacture bespoke mineral blends to suit each farms requirements.  

Liquid Magnesium

Magnesium supplementation is important all year-round but even more so at critical points such as calving cows, early lactation cows and at turnout. Feeding magnesium through the LMS system allows for accurate dosing to aid in the prevention of conditions such as milk fever and staggers.


Having the correct supply of magnesium to the cow at calving reduces milk fevers and retained cleansings, aiding in quicker and easier calvings, which can lead to improved milk yields.


Having a ready supply of magnesium is essential to the cow at turnout with the main function of magnesium at this time being to facilitate the orderly transmission of nerve pulses, to prevent hypomagnesemia (grass staggers).


The system is designed to feed mineral blends and magnesium blends through separate pumps enabling farmers to adjust the rate at which magnesium is fed during critical periods, without affecting the supplementation of other elements. LMS can also provide dedicated dry cow systems to enable supplementation of different groups of cows and ensure the dry cow is getting everything required to avoid milk fever.


At certain times of the year cows can be susceptible to bloat. LMS manufacture a product which can be dosed either by hand into the drinking troughs or through the LMS dosing system, the product aids in the prevention of bloat due to its anti-foaming properties and can also assist in achieving good grass management.

The LMS promise. 

Not only does the LMS system ensure accurate and correct mineral supplementation, but you also get 24/7 service from the LMS team. The service includes delivery of products before they run out to ensure 365 days of mineralisation without having to re-order. The system is managed by the LMS team; this involves regular checks to ensure the system is working correctly and products are feeding on target as well as maintenance checks of the dosing equipment. Should your system fail, you have any mineralisation issues or questions we are on call to provide the support you require.


LMS work closely with vets, nutritionists, farm owners and managers, to ensure that the minerals being supplemented are correct for individual herds. With the aid of regular analysis including milk samples, blood tests and liver biopsies, as well as on farm feedback, LMS can accurately supplement cows with the exact elements they require.

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